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Snorkelling Ireland

Your sea adventure starts here

Welcome to Snorkelling Ireland where you can find information on snorkelling and shore diving sites from around the country. Here in Ireland, we are very fortunate to be surrounded by the sea. No matter where you go you are never too far from the coast. Despite how small an island Ireland is, according to Ordnance Survey Ireland, there are over 3,100 kilometres of coastline which means there is a whole lot to see!  

Ireland, being an island nation, is surrounded on all sides by the sea. There are three seas that touch our shores, the Atlantic on the western and northern coast, the Celtic Sea off Ireland's south coast and the Irish Sea off the east coast. Seventeen counties around the country have contact with these waters; of these nine with a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, seven with an Irish sea coastline and three with a coastline on the Celtic Sea. 


The Irish coastal region has the unique features of having breathtaking beauty, wildlife and vegetation both above and below the waterline. It is largely unspoiled. What simpler way to see the marine world than through snorkelling, one of the most easily accessible water sports for almost anyone. 

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